What Is Kratom




Kratom, or mitragyna speciosa, is a plant that was discovered by a dutch settler in the early 1800s. After its discovery, kratom leaves quickly became known as a source of energy and endurance by the natives who chewed the leaves on long treks through the jungles of Thailand. The leaves were traditionally chewed raw but may also be brewed into a tea or dried and ground into fine powder. 

In southern Thailand, the use of kratom has been common practice by natives for thousands of years. There is no stigma or discrimination attached to kratom use there, as its use is as common as drinking coffee in the United States. In fact, Thai employers in the 1800s were said to have preferred to hire workers who chewed kratom because they were found to be more focused and energetic.

Kratom can render both mildly stimulating effects and mildly relaxing effects depending upon the measurement used. At smaller amounts, the effects tend to be slightly more stimulating; and at larger amounts, the effects tend to be more relaxing. Most kratom users report an overall sense of well-being and willingness to work. Some have reported an increase in focus, attentiveness, and social confidence resulting from the responsible use of kratom.


Kratom is a close relative to the coffee plant. Similar to the use of caffeine if kratom is used daily in large amounts, it can become mildly habit forming. Some have reported caffeine withdrawal to be far worse than kratom withdrawal; however, this can vary for each individual. OrganicPainKiller.com advocates only the responsible use of kratom.


There has been no documented evidence that all-natural organic kratom leaf can cause any harm to its user. In addition, studies about the medicinal uses for kratom are on the rise. It has been long reported that kratom has been used as an opioid receptor agonist like morphine and is used in the management of chronic pain as well as to treat a myriad of ailments including but not limited to: diarrhea, depression, diabetes, obesity, high blood pressure, stomach parasites, diverticulitis, anxiety, alcoholism, and opiate withdrawal. In addition to the treatment of existing ailments, researchers are also beginning to study how kratom can promote healthier liver function, increased antioxidant levels, and increased levels of melanin for sun protection. Exciting new research about one of the active alkaloids in kratom, Catechin, has been linked to numerous health benefits. Perhaps one of the most intriguing is its effect upon stroke victims. There is a typical two to three hour time frame for the treatment of stroke victims, and epiccatechin was found to limit nuerological damage in mice when administered as long as three and a half hours after the stroke.

Kratom is being used as an alternative to opiate based prescription medicines. Kratom is being used in great affect to provide  pain relief and of opiate withdrawal whether from prescription medication or recreational use. By substituting a strong habit forming opiate with Kratom many people have successfully weaned themselves off the semi-synthetic drug Hydrocodone, then reduced their kratom dose to live a drug free life.  For those of us that have to manage chronic pain daily, Kratom is 100% natural.


Kratom is not a drug. Kratom is not an opiate. Kratom is not a synthetic substance. Naturally occurring Kratom is a safe herbal supplement that’s more akin to tea and coffee than any other substances.  Kratom behaves as a partial mu-opioid receptor agonist and is used for pain management, energy, even depression and anxiety that are so common among Americans. Kratom contains no opiates, but it does bind to the same receptor sites in the brain. Chocolate, coffee, exercise and even human breast milk hit these receptor sites in a similar fashion.


Kratom is legal in the United States. With the exception of laws passed in Tennessee, Wisconsin, Vermont, and Indiana, Kratom is legal in the other 46 states. Although the DEA, as is done with nearly all popular new supplements, put Kratom on it's items of concern, it was done over 4 years ago, it was found not to cause harm. Many states classify Kratom as a food product. Kratom is illegal in Australia, Malaysia, Myanmar (Burma), and Thailand.

In Recent News, Thailand has begun discussions to legalize Kratom. Few know that Kratom was originally banned in Thailand due to the fact that it was disrupting one of its primary exports, Opium. It is legal in most other countries, including Europe. Not knowing the law will not work as an excuse in court (Ignorantia juris non excusat), so it's always a good practice to be informed as to whether or not Kratom is legal where you live. 

Legality in your state:  https://kratomanswers.org/


About Kratom Usage

There is a lot of controversy and critical views about Kratom use right now and many other natural products.  We at The Health Place have researched it extensively. We do not endorse, encourage, approve, or support the recreational use of Kratom in anyway. ​(It is all natural).

The Media

But we / our society as a whole are so quick to take any medicine like Tylenol for example for pain and yet most are unaware that Tylenol is bad for the liver, (Read the precautions). We take drugs of every kind for every ailment under the sun (which have dangerous side effects) because they are prescribed by a doctor and approved by the FDA.  I'm not knocking doctors thank God for them and we need the FDA's oversight and protection, but much of what we believe is shaped by what we see, read and hear.

The media's mess-sage about supplements--those substances regularly ingested as pills, powders and liquids by over one-half of all Americans in their quest to feel better and live longer--is decidedly mixed.  We often read or hear stories about the benefits of taking supplements like vitamin E, St. John's wort or coenzyme Q10. Often these stories refer to published scientific studies demonstrating usefulness.  A week later, we read or hear a report about the dangers of the same substance, with warnings by a designated expert to stay away from it.

​This is not an article about the media or politics, but a few words about what's behind the news and what the media calls "science" are in order. Actually, one word is in order. The word is MONEY. Money vastly influences what is reported and the slant placed on that reporting. So where's the money?  Most ads on the nightly news are drug company ads. And newspapers and magazines today are full of drug company ads. This means we should expect enormous bias against anything that would take away from pharmaceutical profits. Do you want to put your trust in the main stream media or trust your own discernment and judgement?

The products we provide on this website are in all natural form, and as pure as you can get.  Most of the products in the big chain supplements stores and the BIG A..ZON store cannot come close to the quality you get from this natural state. The results from taking our products you will noticeably feel right away and see in a matter of days with consistent regular use. Get back to the garden. You can't beat the all natural source.